The Perils of Rebranding, and How to do it Right

April 24, 2018

Branding is directly linked to developing a profitable business. A good brand communicates clearly, is consistent and effectively persuades potential consumers to purchase your products or services. Simply put, branding is what makes us know a McDonald’s ad is a McDonald’s ad even before we see the logo. Brands evoke a personal response, and that’s why changing or refreshing a brand can be tricky.

Rebranding your company can be one of the more challenging aspects of running your business.

Sometimes, a company may rebrand because it has changed so much from its original form that the brand is no longer thought to be relevant. It may want to tap into new markets and expand its reach, but it will also not want to lose its initial audience. While these are good reasons to rebrand, here are a few things you need to consider before committing to a brand overhaul:

Rebranding is not easy

All successful rebrands have taken time and strategy to implement. While it seems easy to just change the logo, it is important to consider why you are rebranding, what it will mean for the perception of your company, and while your ‘new’ brand will appeal to new markets, will it still resonate with your initial audience?

A good brand communicates clearly, is consistent and effectively persuades potential consumers to purchase your products or services.

Know yourself

Integrity is one of the most important aspects of brand building because it shapes and influences people’s interaction with your product or service. Integrity communicates brand values and solidifies its identity within the market. If this is lost or changed significantly, it can result in consumers not wanting to be associated with your brand at all. So, know what your brand was before and decide whether you will carry those values over or if you will go in a completely different direction.

Experience over design

A great design can only go so far and because of this, it is important to reflect on your company’s true (or new) identity. Use the opportunity to rebrand as a means to clearly communicate your brand’s promise and experience.

Whatever you do, be consistent

Delivering a consistent brand experience in every aspect of your company is key. Consistency is one of the biggest drivers of brand identity. As such it is important to remember this when rebranding. For instance, if part of your brand promise is to be the best in service delivery but you fail to respond to customer complaints or feedback, you might lose your audience based on your inability to deliver on your promise.

This is the first article in our rebranding series, look out for follow up articles.